The Adjustable Stirrup Head is used at the top of the standard to provide an additional maximum adjustment of 300 mm. Available in sizes: U size 100*100*50 length 350mm U size 100*100*50 length 450mm
The adustable base jack is used at the bottom of the scaffold to provide an additional adjustment of upto 300 mm. Available in sizes: Base plate 150*150 length 350mm Base plate 150*150 length 450mm
Cuplock standard have cup joints welded at every 500mm intervals, thus offering levels for working & also for bracing the standards while using in the slab support when loaded. Available in sizes: 3.0 Mtr 2.5 Mtr 2.0 Mtr 1.5 Mtr 1.0 Mtr These ledgers have forged blade ends which fit in the cup joint on the standard. They can be used in variety of Ledger size combinations to suit required bay size & loading conditions.
These ledgers have forged blade ends which fit in the cup joint on the standard. They can be used in variety of Ledger size combinations to suit required bay size & loading conditions. Available in sizes: (Length center to center of standards) 2.0 Mtr 1.5 Mtr 1.2 Mtr 0.9 Mtr
Prop is a labor and time saving device to support shuttering and centering. It is made out of 60mm O.D. & 48mm O.D. tubes moving in each other telescopically. A heavy duty S.G. iron nut provides fine adjustment of height of prop. Top and bottom plates are provided with nail holes for wooden runner and holes for bolting. While after using props one above other. It is essential to have bracing in two directions just above outer tube for freight beyond 3500mm. Use of props by double staging is recommended up to 7000mm height only. The threads are rolled and not cut threads Available in sizes: 2 Mtr outer * 2 Mtr inner 2 Mtr outer * 3 Mtr inner 3 Mtr outer * 3 Mtr inner